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宜昌跨境电商必备英语词汇 跨境电商的一些专业术语英语


1. Cross-border trade - 跨境贸易


Cross-border trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between different countries or regions. In the context of e-commerce, cross-border trade refers to the buying and selling of products online across international borders.

2. E-commerce - 电子商务

E-commerce is a business model that involves buying and selling products or services over the internet. E-commerce transactions can take place between individuals, businesses, or organizations.

3. International shipping - 国际运输

International shipping refers to the transportation of goods and packages across international borders. This can involve air, land, or sea transportation.

4. Import - 进口

Import refers to the process of bringing goods or products into a country from another country or region. In the context of e-commerce, import refers to bringing products into the country where they will be sold.

5. Export - 出口

Export refers to the process of sending goods or products from one's own country or region to another country or region. In the context of e-commerce, export refers to sending products from the seller's country to the buyer's country.

6. Free trade area - 自由贸易区

A free trade area (FTA) is a region where goods and services can be imported and exported without tariffs or other restrictions. FTAs are designed to promote trade and investment between member countries.

7. Tariff - 关税

A tariff is a schedule of duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods. tariffs can be used to protect domestic industries or to encourage trade.

8. WTO - 世界贸易组织

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that promotes free trade and economic cooperation among its member countries. The WTO sets rules and standards for international trade, and promotes disputes resolution.

9. B2B - 企业对企业

B2B stands for \"Business-to-Business\", and refers to the buying and selling of products or services between businesses. B2B e-commerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services between businesses.

10. B2C - 企业对消费者

B2C stands for \"Business-to-Consumer\", and refers to the buying and selling of products or services between businesses and individual consumers. B2C e-commerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services directly to consumers.


宜昌跨境电商必备英语词汇 跨境电商的一些专业术语英语由宜昌海外仓软件跨境电商栏目发布,感谢您对宜昌海外仓软件的认可,以及对我们原创作品以及文章的青睐,非常欢迎各位朋友分享到个人网站或者朋友圈,但转载请说明文章出处“跨境电商必备英语词汇 跨境电商的一些专业术语英语